Friday, October 19, 2007


Just sitting here thinking about the friends I know and the many others who were affected by the storms last night. If anyone knows of any volunteer efforts being formed in the Nappanee area or any surrounding areas, let me know.

What can I do for you?


Anonymous said...

I am sorry the midwest got hit so hard! I hope you find a way to help out!

SmilingsMyFavorite said...

Hi Jenn!
I saw that you left me a comment on my blog today and that made me excited so I came over to "see you"! ha! :)
You are such a cutie! And you do a good job at expressing yourself through writing! Keep up the good work.
I didn't know anything happened in Nappanee but that's my old stomping grounds from college days! Now I'll have to check on that.
Take care of our friend Ang for me. I don't get to see her as often as I'd like.
Take care! :)

Jess said...

yeah, they got hit pretty hard! i will let you know if i hear anything! i know a lot of emt/firemen, etc from indiana and michigan are there helping! we should definitely keep them in our prayers. love you tons!

Kalyn Lantz said...

Hey...there is a Red Cross relief center at Nappanee Missionary Church. And at 10 am on Sunday people are meeting at Northwood high school to go out and help clean up. So yeah...they need non-perishable food and toiletry stuff at the church. Hope you are doing well!

Alicia said...

Hey...I think Matt and I are planning to be part of the clean up effort on Sunday. THey said to wear gloves and bring a shovel or rake. I guess chainsaws are in big demand too...but I don't know if you want to bring one of those! :) I don't even know how to use one!!

jenn said...

thanks everyone for your comments and for the information! i will be at the cleanup sunday!!! hope to see you all there!...i will be the one with the chainsaw...ha ha :).

Anonymous said...

I have a chain saw. if you want to come and get it. I'm afraid to let your dad use it. Love ya.