Thursday, May 29, 2008

Taking Action

I just finished my study on Numbers last night. Yes, definitely an achievement worth blogging about. It wasn't the easiest book of the Bible for me to read. Though I did learn throughout. But I sit here this morning and wonder, was I really open to studying this book?

I feel like I was looking for something particular, some specific lesson to learn, some "ah ha" moment, that it is quite and most likely possible that I missed out on what God was truly trying to teach me. I had my blinders on only listening to what I wanted to hear and honestly just getting lost in all the lineage and lists of clans and tribes.

How often I use that excuse...waiting for something to speak to me. How lazy that is. I'm waiting to be acted upon rather than doing the action. I believe I read this book with that mentality. And that saddens me. I realize that this happens quite frequently in regards to faith. We complain about a service, we only want to hear the "good" stuff, the "good" stories, that keep our interest. We only want what we want the way we want it and when we want put it bluntly.

We wait to be acted upon instead of doing the actions...

and we miss out....

We miss out on the truth. We miss out on His word. We miss out on the true intimacy God wants us to have with Him, because we aren't really open.

I think its time to turn it around and finally focus on the One it is all about...God. It is time to take read, to listen, to follow with an open mind and heart.

Maybe I should try reading Numbers again.


jackie said...

ahh..the beauty of the Bible. We can read the same book 1,000 times and learn something new with each study. We can constantly grow into a deeper relationship with our Lord. However, we are selfish individuals that do, as you say, "want it the way we want it and when we wnat it". We all fall into this trap, and all we can do at the end of the day is say quite simply, "Lord, please forgive me and help me to do better tomorrow." What a sweet, sweet forgiveness that we are offered. And you should read Numbers again (at some point, of course)! It will look like a whole new book the next time you go through it :)

Alicia said...

Wow, Jenn. You always amaze me with your deep reflections. I know that those only come through a close relationship with God. It's so easy to miss out on things because you are focused on something different. But luckily God never gives up trying to teach us the lessons we need! :)

Jess said...

you hit the hammer on the nail :) it is so easy to skim through the "boring" stuff and to keep looking for the message. But are we skimming over the message, just because we don't want to take the time to understand it or read it slower??? i know i sure do and it sure teaches me to read Deuteronomy with a closer eye and an open heart! thank you jenn so much for this amazing message! love you tons!

Jessica said...

it is sooo hard for me to read the old testament. i would choose the new anyday, but i know there are so many valuable lessons and truths for us in the old also and it's important to invest time even though they are not so interesting. i try to pray before i read the bible, asking God to show me what He desires and to remove myself from it. that way it's not me looking for what i hope to hear. good luck with your studies.