Thursday, February 01, 2007


I stand in the middle of it all, feeling as if my life were in slow motion and all that is around me is in fast forward. The blurry images of life pass by as I stand there waiting for what may come next. This is the season of life I am in right now, trying to wait patiently for God to lead me to that next step, that next movement. As the excitement builds and as the anxiety of the unknown weighs on me, I find the comfort knowing that I am not in control. I find the peace that I am exactly where God wants me. So I accept the changes that surround me and stand in the stillness of my life, quieting my own desires, so that I may hear His...and thankful for each moment. For it is all created by God.

Genesis 1:31
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.


Angela said...

Beautiful words from a beautiful person!

Dina said...

That was great. I love your picture too.

Jess said...

What an amazing post!!! You are right in slowing down and letting God lead...quieting your desires so you can hear him! That is something we should all do and beautifully put! Thanks so much for sharing this journey with all of us! I know I am learning so much :) Love you tons!!

Alicia said...

Wow, Jenn! You're so eloquent with your words. It would take me years to say something as nicely as you can! Thanks for the reminder.