Friday, November 04, 2005


I spent this past Thursday and Friday at a conference in Indy connecting with other grantmakers and just being inspired about all that we each can do even if being a grantmaker isn't our career.

Many people believe that philanthropy is just the giving of money and it is only what the wealthy can do. But they are mistaken. They are also mistaken when they think that philanthropy has to be a large gesture.

I wondered how I could help someone each day at this I could help perfect strangers. It was easy to reach out to those I knew, but definitely a bit scary when I don't know someone. But I stepped out of my comfort zone, kept my eyes and heart open, and helped with what I could when I could. They were simple acts of kindness...such as helping someone carry something when it was apparent that they had tried to carry too much...lending someone my cell phone when I knew that she needed to reach her husband...talking to someone who looks a bit distant and is a bit uncomfortable joining into conversations...sharing materials with other conference attendees...saying thank you every time the hotel staff served me.

Philanthropy isn't just about giving money or spending money, but sharing with others what we are blessed with.

Thank you God for all you have blessed our lives with, please guide us and show us how we can share our gifts with others. Whether the gestures are large or small, let them come from the heart.

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