Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Let's Get Lost

After a great lunch, we would all pile into the car. Dad would ask what direction we all wanted to go, and mom would answer with no destination in mind. Mom and dad would be in casual conversation while Jess and I giggled in the back...either teasing each other or thinking of the many mischievous ways we could occupy our time...when we weren't sleeping of course. This is how we spent our saturday or sunday afternoons. Jess and I referred to this time as getting lost. We would spend hours just driving down country roads following dad's sense of direction. We would end up finding small towns, discovering new places, and just seeing new areas that were hidden on those country roads. We would stop and walk around...popping into country stores and maybe picking up a small snack and one of those glass-bottled cokes that were the greatest finds. I always thought that it was amazing that we would eventually find our way home. But, now I have a feeling that mom and dad always knew how to get home. There was something so special about that time together. We didn't really have deep conversations or spend a lot of money, but it was a simple way for us to spend time together...to get away for a while. Even to this day I love getting lost though it isn't the same as when I was younger. There is no giggling in the back. I can't hear my parents discussing the day's events. Jess isn't teaching me how to draw hearts and stars with crayons on the back of the front seats. Instead, my time getting lost is filled with good music and great conversation with the one who chooses to get lost with me. Those who know me, definitely know I am not a decision maker. But if you asked me what I would like to do, I can guarantee that in the back of my mind I am thinking...."Let's Get Lost!"

1 comment:

Jess said...

What an incredible memory!! I loved the drawing with crayons on the back of the car seat memory! What a great idea to just get lost! What a great time to have no worries, no stress, but just enjoy the present time!!! So I guess, when people tell each other to...Get Lost!!!...it really is a compliment...Ok, maybe not :) Love you tons and tons and tons!!!