Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why Now?

Have you ever questioned God's timing?

Maybe once or twice...or a million times!

You see, I moved around a lot when I was younger. It was always exciting being in a new place, meeting new people, being able to start all over. Even after college, I found myself never really settled. I moved to Indianapolis, and ended up living in three different places, in three different parts of Indianapolis, during the three years I lived down there. And then I moved to northern Indiana, with the future plan of eventually moving out west.

Yet I have been here for almost four years....

I can't believe that I have lived in the same house and had the same job for almost four years now. That is seriously a record for me ;)! I am settled, and I love it! It isn't the area that makes it "home" to me. Nor is it my house. It is the relationships, the family, the friends that have come to be an important part of my life.

And yet, God is leading me away.

Why now?

Why after I have developed these strong relationships? Why after I have been surrounded by such love and support? Why now?

I shared my concern with my sister this past weekend. And as the encouraging sister that she is, she reminded me of the greater plan...not mine, but His. The relationships built on His love will remain strong and will continue to support me while I am away. But it is my trust in Christ that guides my steps, provides the strength that I need, and the peace that His will is greater than mine.

I have been looking into a couple of different opportunities, and though no final decision is made as of yet, I want to thank the special people in my life for the love that can be seen through them, the support and encouragement that they always share, and for teaching me the strength of relationships built on God's love.

I will take that with me where ever He leads...


VerĂ³nica Medina said...
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Anonymous said...

I've questioned God's timing a lot in the last few years... and am still trying to grasp his plans for me. The most important thing is just to trust in Him, and you can never go wrong... And thank God for e-mails and blogs, etc., which make long distance relationships so much easier! You are in my prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

I bet there will always be a home for you there when you return.


Anonymous said...

because He needs you more than we do, that's why.

Alicia said...

It is so, so hard to trust God sometimes. Especially when the future seems so unclear. But I know that God has something wonderful planned for you in your future. It takes a strong person to listen and follow where he is leading and He knows that you are that person. I'm praying for you!

christy marie said...

Oh Jenn, my friend, I will be praying for you! God's timing is perfect and it will all be made clear to you in His time. Love ya!

Jess said...

Jenn you rock and this will always be your home and we all will always be your family! We are so proud of you! Love you tons!

Jessica said...

it takes a very special person to answer God's calling even when it means uprooting and leaving what you're familiar with. God will bless you a hundred times over for doing this selfless act of obedience. know you're in my thoughts and prayers. it will all "fall" into place as God's will is fully reveiled. love ya!

Dina said...

WOW! What a special person it takes to say those things and to realize why you are where you are. God is going to do great things with you and I can't wait to see what they are! Love you!

Angela said...

You are amazing!! Love, prayers, and an open door always! Ang :)