Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Aunt Puppy...A Good Example?

My cutie head neice is growing so fast. I am lucky enough to get to see her atleast 2-3 times a week, which of course I love. I get to watch her as she is constantly growing and learning something new. Right now she is on this kick of saying one particular word. The word isn't "no". It isn't "mommy" or "daddy", though she does say mamamama and dadadadada. It isn't "aunt jenn", though i have been pushing that :). It is...drum roll please...."PUPPY"....yup, puppy. She is almost a year old, and all day long she will say puppy and then smile or laugh.

You see, my sis and brother-in-law have a small dog who my neice loves and she has a large yellow stuffed animal which is also a puppy. So naturally, being surrounded by puppies, she says "PUPPY". It is just the cutest thing. so cute, that I have officially changed my name to aunt puppy so that i can say that she said my name first :).

In all the awe I am in watching her grow, learn, and develop, I can't help but think of how much she is influenced by her environment. It really makes me think about the way I act. She watches with eyes that catch everything you do and listens carefully with ears that hear everything you say. She seems so innocent and pure...though I believe deep down she has her mom's mischievous side, and her dad's competitiveness :). But I want to be a good example for her. And I strive to be that example, though I do stumble sometimes.

I wish we all could be good examples of faith and love and then innocent children can learn more about Christ, love, truth rather than hate, materialism, and power. I watch the news and see the violence and hatred that exists, but when I look into Grace's eyes, I see hope. Hope that by being surrounded by good examples, she can live a life of faith and love in a world that encourages it, not destroys it.

I want to be a good example.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a fantabulous Aunt and these thoughts you have and the actions that follow are prime examples of what a great example you are...not just for gracie head, but for all of us! Love you tons and great post!