So much took place this weekend, but I just want to take this time to share three wonderful examples of love...
First, there is Amos and Jess

This couple has two small children, just took on the extra hassel of having a sister (me) move in, and are involved in everything under the sun, from choir practice to football practice. There isn't much time for them, as a couple. But they make it. They make time for each other. To appreciate each other. To love each other. To just be a couple in love. Yes, it takes work and time and effort. But it is worth it to them. The love they have for each other is important. Does it take away from their love as a family, for their children? Definitely not, for it only strengthens it. And this is love...
Next there is Clay and Becky

Now I have really only spent time with Clay and Becky and their family together once, but have had several ladies nights with Becky and Jess. And yet, I learn more and more about Clay in the process. Why? Because Becky loves Clay and shares stories of what he does for her or their family. She loves to lift him up. She admires him, respects him, appreciates him, and they are a couple that works as one to raise a wonderful family. And this is love...
Then there is Chris and Sarah

These two have loved each ever since high school. They have faced certain challenges together but have found comfort and strength in one another. They lean on each other. They encourage one another. And they know how to have fun together!!! It amazes me how they each think of the other...always. And now they are sharing that love with a beautiful little boy from Ethiopia. And we all got to gather together and celebrate that love. And this is love...
If there is anything anyone can teach you, show you...let it be love...
Have you shown love today?
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. ~John 3:16